Sunday, May 6, 2012

Value as a Value - #2 of our Common Core Values

#2 = Value is a Value

We value VALUE. It is important to us that our programs be worthwhile and useful to those we serve. We believe our service to the community must be worth what it costs to provide that service. We value providing the highest possible quality at the lowest possible price and being good financial stewards of our resources.

We value VALUE because value improves access. We believe all children should have access to high-quality afterschool programs. 

  • We know that if families cannot access programs for financial reasons, then their children will never experience the many benefits of quality.
  • We know that children who have no access to high-quality afterschool programs experience a gap in their potential development and education compared to children who have access.
  • We know that children who do not have access to quality summer enrichment program experience additional summer learning loss.
  • We know that the achievement gap between children with access to quality afterschool and summer enrichment programs and children with no access widens each year.
We believe we should put no limit on the number of children we accept under a financial aid agreement, so all children living in poverty have access to high-quality programming.

We believe that it is our responsibility to utilize our fiscal resources efficiently in the best way that helps us accomplish our goals and our mission. We believe it is our responsibility to keep overhead costs low and eliminate any waste of our precious resources. We believe it is our responsibility to ensure we have adequate auto, property, and liability insurance to protect our fiscal resources.

We believe it is our responsibility to develop a realistic budget that reflects our priorities and designates how our funds are designated for payroll, benefits, staff development, activities, materials, supplies, equipment, field trips, administration, and food. We believe it is our responsibility to frequently review our budget with our leadership team and to allow any employee or director to have access to the budget.

We know that programs with adequate enrollment of children are self-sustaining when managed properly. We know that successful public/school/community relationships are paramount to successful recruitment of children.

  • We believe it is the responsibility of each and every member of our team to look for ways to “tell our story” – the story of our value to the community.
  • It is the responsibility of every member of our team to engage in “friend raising.”
  • It is the responsibility of each member of Children’s Choice to provide a model of quality care and service to our stakeholders and to recruit new families and provide them a valuable service.

We believe it is our responsibility to utilize any appropriate community resources that help us provide the highest possible quality for the lowest possible price.

  • We believe it is our responsibility to be licensed at the highest possible quality rating which allows the highest possible reimbursement level – more money to help us accomplish our mission.
  • We believe we should participate in food reimbursement programs to help us provide the best nutrition possible at the lowest food cost possible.
  • We believe it is wise to seek outside support, funds, and partnerships that are appropriate for our goals and our mission. And when we do seek outside funds, it is our responsibility to spend these funds for the purposes they were solicited.
We value VALUE. Our service to our stakeholders, to the schools, to the community, to outside supporters, to parents, to the government must be worthy of continued and additional financial investment. The highest possible quality, at the lowest possible price… It is the way things are done around here.

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