Thursday, July 7, 2011

Swimmy Noodle Games

We don't just use our noodles in the pool, we use them for team-building games!

99 Red Balloons Each person in the team blows up and ties off a balloon (red if you plan on playing the song).  On “GO” the challenge is for the team to work together to keep all of the balloons up in the air using only their noodles.  You can add in a balloon or more as an added challenge.

Bumper Cars Lots of blindfolded trust games are played in the bumpers up position – hands out front for protection.  In this variation, the players hold each end of a noodle about belly position with a slight bend in the noodle, so that a rounded bend points away from them – the bumper.  All participants stand outside of the activity space and blindfold themselves.  When they are ready they enter the area and walk slowly around.  Don’t let your daredevils run!  When they bump into someone they stop (might say “BOING” or other sound) turn slightly and start walking in another position.

William Tell
Form multiple groups of 3-player teams.  Each team gets 3 noodles and one hula hoop.  Establish a shooting line and a target line.  The distance between the two can be 1-2 feet per age of the players, and no more than 15 feet. Each team decides a shooting order.  One player holds the hula hoop on his head like a giant apple – the target.  Another player is the retriever of noodles and retrieves noodles as fast as he can so the ARCHER can take as many shots as possible in ONE MINUTE.  The third player is the ARCHER.  Give them 30 seconds of planning time.  On “GO” players attempt to throw their noodles through the target.  The target player can move on the target line, but the hula hoop must remain on his head.  When the minute is expired players rotate roles, plan again, and play again.  Play 3 rounds.  Variation: the target could face away from the ARCHER and the others could shout “LEFT” or “RIGHT.”

Log Roll
Teams of 6-8 players.  Establish a starting and finish line.  “IT” (the LOG) lies on his back across a bed of noodles and remains rigid with his hands behind his head to avoid contact with the ground and protect his head and hair.  On “GO” players push the feet of log toward the finish line while teammates move noodles from the feet to the log’s head, so the bed of noodles never ends.

Form a group of 8 – 20 players.  They form the largest circles possible by pressing a noodle between the open palms of each player.  By moving slowly and maintaining constant pressure they stretch outward to make the largest circle possible.  Shrink back to the smallest size and then back to the biggest size.  This will get some communication going as people express their limits.  On “GO” the objective is to invert the circle – turn it inside out (you may have to let them use their fingers for this the first time).  When they succeed you may have them return to the original circle using only palms.  During the inversion, the circle looks a little bit like the double helix of a DNA molecule.

Trust Zipper
Players line up in two lines facing each other the length of a pool noodle apart with their pool noodles sticking out toward each other from their bellies.  Explain that the space between the two lines should resemble a zipper and they will understand what it should look like.  “IT” must run through the zipper as the players lift their noodles out of the way just as IT approaches.  “IT” must trust the group.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post! This game can be an effective and successful team building. Thanks for sharing.
